Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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Text File
61 lines
___ .
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Display is FREEWARE. This means that Display may be freely distributed, under
the singular condition that no files are changed, including this help file.
All files remain © Alisdair McDiarmid, with the exception of
'FontMenu' and 'FntMnuDoc' which are © Joris RÖling
What does it do?
Display is an iconbar display application which shows either the current time
or the free memory. The main difference between this and other similar
utilities is that Display allows the use of any outline font and 3D border.
Display is fully configurable and allows the use of kilobytes or megabytes in
the free memory, and 12 and 24 hour clocks.
Using Display
Load Display by double-clicking on it's filer icon. A 3D icon should appear on
the icon-bar.To change the mode between free memory and clock, click SELECT on
the Display icon.
For more choices, click ADJUST on the Display icon, or choose the 'Choices...'
item from the main menu and the Choices window should open.
To change the border of the icon, use the adjuster arrows in the Icon Style
section. A simulation of the border is to the right.
To change the font, clickon the menu icon and choose any font from the menu
The division field is the point in free memory when the display turns
into two decimal point megabytes instead of kilobytes. For example, if the
division is set at 1024 Kb and there is 1280 Kb free, the display will read
'1.25 Mb'.
The other options are 12 or 24 hour clock and the default mode used.
When you have decided on your choices, click SELECT on OK to use these for the
current session. To save your choices, click SELECT on Save. To close the
window click SELECT on Cancel. To use a default set of choices, click SELECT on
Contacting the Author
If you have any queries, bug reports or suggestions or you want the BASIC
source to the program, please write to me at the address below or email me.
Snail mail : 2 Cedar Drive
Milton of Campsie
Glasgow G65 8AY
email : a.mcdiarmid@zetnet.co.uk
WWW Site : http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/amcdiarmid/
Alisdair McDiarmid